Mike Bland

go-script-bash v1.1.0

I've just released go-script-bash v1.1.0, which adds some major new features, two new builtin commands, and multiple bug fixes and internal improvements.

- London
Tags: Bash, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, dev tools, go script, programming, technical, testing

You may not be surprised to learn that I’ve left the country—but I’ll be back in a few days. I’m visiting my colleague Ben Grinnell, whom I met at DevOps Enterprise 2015 and who invited me over to discuss a potential short-term opportunity at the beginning of the new year. Promises to be tons of fun if we can pull it off!

In the meanwhile, you may also not be surprised to learn that I’ve gone plunging through rabbit hole after rabbit hole in Bash again, and I’m proud to’ve just released go-script-bash v1.1.0. This release adds some major new features, two new builtin commands, and multiple bug fixes and internal improvements. The release notes contain all the highlights. Enjoy!