Mike Bland

Bzlmod: Repo Names and rules_pkg

I've published my third EngFlow blog post, about the proper use of Bazel's rules_pkg and avoiding silent breakages.

Tags: Bazel, Bzlmod, EngFlow, technical

My third EngFlow blog post is about using rules_pkg properly, especially important when using Bazel modules. In the words of my EngFlow colleague Corbin McNeely-Smith, it’s about how to stop “holding it wrong.”

This is another exhaustive reference to fill existing documentation gaps. Pretty soon I’ll start to contribute this material upstream, but this seemed the fastest way to get it on the web. That was the priority for me.

Check it out:

If you’ve any thoughts to share, please comment on the LinkedIn announcement corresponding to this post. I’ll also reshare EngFlow’s LinkedIn announcement once it’s out.