Tonight I delivered a talk called Pushing the Limits of Static Sites to the Arlington Ruby Meetup. It goes into excruciating detail about my work on the 18F Hub in particular, implementing automated deployment and authentication features (using bitly/oauth2_proxy) and refining the lunr.js-based search feature originally added by Aidan Feldman. I also mention how I set up 18F Pages using a much smaller setup. Somehow most of the audience seemed to stay with me through the whole thing.
Heads-up: I’ve got an 18F blog post coming out tomorrow about 18F Guides; another describing my work with bitly/oauth2_proxy is on-deck to come out soon. The 18F/jekyll_pages_api_search gem is just about ready to launch, and should get integrated into and some 18F Pages/Guides in the near future. Finally, my colleague Gray Brooks has invited me to discuss the API aspects of the 18F Hub at the Tuesday, July 7 DC Web API User Group Meetup.