Who said dreams can’t come true? Now, not only am I a published author, but I’m an award-winning author!
I’d like to thank the academy…
Click for a larger image.
As for the reason behind this award, last year I wrote two Google Testing on
the Toilet episodes that my friends on the inside were gracious enough to
edit and publish, despite the fact that I wasn’t a Googler anymore: one about
the Apple goto fail
bug; and one about the OpenSSL
Heartbleed bug. Though there are many to thank, Andrew Trenk and
Jim McMaster were the principal folks that provided this opportunity. I have
Andrew in particular to thank for thinking of me enough to ship this award to me
here in Alexandria.
TotT is about to enter its ninth year of publication. Hard to believe that a goofy idea tossed out during a brainstorming session (that I was lucky enough to be a part of!) has become such a long-running institution. When those of us in the early days of the Testing Grouplet started writing episodes and posting them on the bathroom walls of Google offices in London, Zürich, and Mountain View, I don’t think any of us stopped and realized we were laying the foundation for a new institution. Goes to show you never know what’ll be a hit.