The flagship journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Communications of the ACM, has published my article Finding More Than One Worm in the Apple (visit my publications page for access to the full PDF, via ACM Author-izer referer wizardry) in its July 2014 issue (Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 58-64). Again, mega-thanks to my reviewers mentioned in the article; to Guido van Rossum for advocating for the article; to George Neville-Neil (aka Kode Vicious), Jim Maurer and Matt Slaybaugh, who published it in ACM Queue and submitted it to CACM as part of the “Practice” section; and to Diane Crawford at CACM for being such a pleasure to work with in editing the final draft.
Let’s hope that between this article, my Goto Fail, Heartbleed, and Unit Testing Culture article for Martin Fowler, and my work on OpenSSL’s unit/automated testing, that some good will come of it all.